Television: The Great Transformation - Prof. Lucy Küng zu Gast bei Cast
A public lecture at the Kino Toni
Professor Lucy Küng, Senior Visiting Researcher at the Reuters Institute, University of Oxford, is an expert on strategy, innovation and leadership who focuses on successful responses to the challenges of digitalization.
Join the renowned media expert as she takes a deep dive into the revolutionary changes underway in the media ecosystem, from the increasing role played by the tech giants to the growing influence of the creator economy. Küng examines the challenge existing media firms face to maintain relevance and market share, looking particularly at the evolution of television and impact of streaming media players such as Netflix. Transformation outside requires transformation inside. Küng will also look at how media companies are changing internally to master their new world, from rethinking leadership and retooling underlying cultural values to harnessing the talents of generations Y and Z.
The public lecture takes place as part of the series «zu Gast bei Cast» by Cast / Audiovisual Media. The department regularly invites guests from the media and entertainment industry for a discussion.
This Lecture will be held in English.
Mittwoch, 29. März 2023, 17.00 Uhr
Ort: Kino Toni
Toni Areal Ebene 3