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Awareness Kampagne und Fashion Editorial

Projekt in voller Länge: Instagram Krebsliga, Instagram Closnea, Webseite

«Metamorphosis» is an awareness campaign for young people affected by cancer.

In close collaboration with KREBSLIGA SCHWEIZ and Zurich based fashion label Closnea, we aimed to give young creatives affected by cancer a space to talk about their experience of a youth impacted by the illness. Using their personal enthusiasm for fashion to create a positive and open access to the topic for peers and a broader like-minded community.

In an expressive editorial, their stories are told in the language of fashion, photography, and styling.

On our website, visitors get a personal insight into the path those affected have to take and the changes they experience. Providing the much-needed information to diminish stigma and social difficulties especially young patients still face in our society, and creating a deeper compassion for the transformations that come with cancer.

Luca Bass
Diplomarbeiten 2024
Portrait von Luca Bass ©Adrian Graf
Portrait von Luca Bass ©Adrian Graf